‘Craig of the Creek’ is an original Cartoon Network television series created by Ben Levin and Matt Burnett, who had previously served on the ‘Steven Universe’ production team. The show follows Craig, his best friends Kelsey and J.P., and their adventures in the untamed wilderness area surrounding their suburb, known as the Creek - a kid utopia in which tribes of children reign over tree forts and dirt bike ramps. Craig Williams is a bright young boy and a budding explorer, willingly drawn into the epic adventures awaiting him and his friends in the depths of the Creek. It is a fantastical patch of forest where all the neighborhood kids congregate. A place far away from all the grownups and everyday responsibilities, where the little ones can find magic and wonder, passing the time by giving free rein to their imagination.Craig, Kelsey and J.P. aren’t just best friends, they’re members of an epic band on the ultimate quest to leave their mark on the Creek and in the minds of their peers who've built up a society of their own in the woods. The trio's adventures take them into uncharted areas of the Creek which is the kind of wondrous, yet sometimes terrifying place where priceless childhood memories are forged. The show has inspired the eco-friendly ‘Kids Recycle’ campaign. It encourages young and old alike to be more engaged in our biggest environmental issues. The competition is open to all parents and their children. The sole requirement is to separately collect paper, glass and plastic and to post a photo of iton the competition’s page. The participants are encouraged to recycle the collected materials in whatever way they see fit. The competition begins on the 1st of October and finishes on October 15th. Ultimately, 10 winners will be chosen. They will be selected on the 16th of October and the results will be posted in the following 8 days on Bebok.eu’s Facebook page where you can also find additional information about the competition.Each of the winners will receive a racquetball set, a travel water bottle, a notebook and a pencil case, all branded with their favourite characters. The story and setting of ‘Craig of the Creek’ remind viewers not to forget about nature in a very engaging way. The world introduced by the show is made up of all the fun, weird parts about being an East Coast kid. The show premieres on the 15th of October and airs weekdays at 18:45 on Cartoon Network.