Educational puppet show on wheels. The traveling actors from the Theater of Tales - Sofia presented a play for kids produced by ECOPACK Bulgaria. A fabulous story about three animals - Hartoyad, Plastoyadka, and Stukloyad (Paper-, Plastic-, and Glass-Eater), who have recently lived in the park.
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The campaign "Old Paper for a New Book" was held for sixth consecutive year in September. The goal is to motivate children to learn to take care of nature and to develope a taste for reading and books.
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On the 11th and 12th of May, the Books for Trash campaign will take place for the seventh consecutive year in 5 Bulgarian cities. This is one of the most long-standing and largest-scale eco initiatives in this country, which at the same time promotes reading. Anyone who hands over 1 kg of plastic can receive a book of their choice and a discount for other sustainable products.
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