Ecopack Bulgaria records 15 years as market leader in waste management

Ecopack Bulgaria records 15 years as market leader in waste management

The organization has exceeded its recycling targets for 2018.

Sofia, 30 May, 2019

In 2018, Ecopack Bulgaria collected and recycled 100,959 t of packaging waste. This constitutes 60.69% of the total amount of packaging released in the Bulgarian market as reported by the producers, with 60% being the official target set by the Ministry of Environment and Water. This was noted in the Ecopack Bulgaria report for the previous year. The company retains its market leader position, with a market share of 41.85%.

1189 Ecopack member companies have reported releasing 166,371 t of packaging in the Bulgarian market in 2018. Of those, Ecopack Bulgaria collected and handed over for recycling 109,959.07 t of packaging waste, of which 18,003.87 t of plastic, 46,667.42 t of paper and cardboard, 24,103.23 t of glass, 5,064.86 t of metal, and 7,079.41 t of timber.

“In the past 5 years, the organization has registered an average annual increase in collected and recycled packaging waste of 5%,” announced Ecopack Bulgaria Executive Director Todor Bourgoudjiev. According to him, one of the most serious challenges faced by packaging recovery organizations is the collection of aluminum packaging. Up to now there hasn’t been a percentage set specifically for aluminum and the target concerned metal packaging waste as a whole. According to the Circular Economy Package, by 2030 member states should collect and recycle 60% of this type of packaging.

The European strategy for the preservation of the planet sets very ambitious recycling targets for the remaining types of packaging as well.

“Over the next years there will be a call for serious investments in order to meet the targets, as well as for the implementation of new projects to ensure larger amounts of waste for recycling. One such pilot project was initiated by Ecopack Bulgaria this year – waste from HORECA and commercial outlets in select municipalities are being collected and transported at our expense,” announced Mr. Bourgoudjiev.

The issue of the responsibility of each inhabitant of the planet for its preservation is becoming ever more pressing. Since its founding 15 years ago, Ecopack Bulgaria has embraced as its mission to provide environmental education from an earliest age. One of the projects in the pursuit of this mission is the creation of the platform “Recycling School. Teachers for clean nature” and the design of free methodological guides and manuals for delivery of eco school lessons for students in grades 1 through 12. In 2018 it was joined by 178 teachers from 107 schools across the country,” said Ms. Mariana Petkova, Public Relations and Communications Manager.

About Ecopack Bulgaria:

ECOPACK Bulgaria AD is the largest packaging waste collection and recovery organization in Bulgaria and the only one servicing a system of three color-coded containers – blue, yellow, and green. The organization’s members include 1189 producers and importers of packaged goods. ECOPACK Bulgaria does not distribute profits.

The organization works with 24 recycling plants in the country, as well as 20 separation sites and 16 sorting facilities.

In 2018, ECOPACK Bulgaria collected and handed over for recycling tons of packaging waste and thus:

  • Saved from felling 606,600 trees.
  • Saved in excess of 320 m kWh electric power, 1,483,090 l of drinking water, and 152,676 barrels of petroleum.
  • Reduced the volume of waste deposited in landfills by more than 419,787 cub. m.

ECOPACK Bulgaria will continue to invest in educational and awareness-raising activities because we very much rely on people’s care for the environment and on the responsible use of the separate packaging waste collection systems. “The process is long, involves building new habits, but it’s worth the efforts!” is the company’s message to the people.

More information about the separate collection of packaging waste is available on  or via the free Green Hotline - 0 800 1 5253.

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